
He was pronounced dead, but then his mother prayed!

Sammy Berko is a 16-year-old from Missouri City, Texas who went rock climbing. But after reaching the top and ringing the bell, his body went lip. Sammy had just suffered cardiac arrest. After doctors attempted to revive him for two hours, they told his mother Jennifer, "We are sorry. He's gone."

"I started talking to him, just telling him how much I love him and sorry that we didn't know how to save him. Suddenly, as I started praying, my husband said, 'Oh my gosh, he's moving,'" said Jennifer to the local news station.

Doctors ran into the room and to their surprise, Sammy WAS alive, but then they worried that he may have a major brain injury due to a lack of oxygen. Well, not only can Sammy talk, he plays instruments and is on his road to recovery. Click here to see more of his miraculous story!

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